Clothing trends are always coming and going. Some last years, where others may only last weeks to months. So what happens to the clothing of the trends that come and go? Many people might use the cloth for another purpose, some might gift the piece to a friends or family member, but commonly, these pieces of clothing ends up in landfills infiltrating our ecosystem with chemicals.
So how can we make a conscious effort to recuse and recycle clothing?
Well that’s easy, there are so many different ways that one can get multiple uses out of their clothing that do not negatively effect our planet. First, avoid constantly restocking your wardrobe, instead keep pieces that you can use in the future; that may be in a DIY project, or with another outfit.
Another strategy could be shopping for high-quality items. This doesn’t always mean spending a lot of money, but shopping for products that will last, and are made with ecofriendly material. These items can then be taken do your local drycleaner to be professional cleaned and preserved. This can also include shopping at brands whose goal is to reduce their carbon footprint, a little extra research on a brand can go a long way.
An extremely common technique people use to recycle clothing and reuse other clothing, is to take used clothes to your local thrift store; also buying clothes second hand from these thrift stores. Even though you may be tired of a certain piece of clothing, it may be a new treasure to another person!
So the next time you want to clean out your closet, be smart, be aware, and take action against growing clothing waste.
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