Putting aside the obvious environmental challenges involved in reducing solvent consumption, energy usage and water conservation (all of which we address as separate ‘eco’ leaves), professional cleaners have innumerable environmental sustainability opportunities.
Here is a fairly comprehensive list of the items that the Green Cleaners Council considers in awarding cleaners an ‘eco-leaf’ for reducing, reusing and recycling:
Hanger recycling
Plastic bag recycling
Use of biodegradable plastic bags
Use of recycled paper for packaging
Reusable garment bags
Reusable tote bags
Adoption of paperless invoicing, statements and order tracking systems
Use of post consumer recycled paper in lunchrooms, bathrooms and other employees support areas.
Hybrid vehicles for pick up and delivery
Car pooling or public transportation for employees
Adoption of electronic notification for promotions, pick up and deliveries, inter- and intra-office communications, telecommuting, etc.
Use of eco-friendly printing sources for printed materials
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